If you are finally on the plane going to be your "perfect" holiday, and body, your mind is to go on vacation? This may seem a silly question, because, as you can put your body on vacation without going to the brain, is not it?
Now think about it after just a minute. When you go from work to home after a long tiring day, you know me still remember, or think about the events of the day, even when you're relaxing at home in your favorite chair?
Let's turn that around. You're at Workbegin now, and production for the day, do not think about the evening at home, the delicious food, playing with the kids, or just being away from work?
If you're like most of us, that's exactly what you do it. It is as if you are willing to quit your day and go with something else, but the brain is still where you were. This is one of the biggest reasons why it is necessary to go on holiday ... to be found away from everything right. Sure it is. But it is such a "moreperfect "vacation, if your spirit is with you. Your mind needs a vacation too!
I read an article the other day written by Patricia Fry. The name of the article is "You leave your body, mind and soul."
Here is an excerpt from that article:
"The dynamics of the holiday is more than eyes can see all eat, drink everything in sight and is working on your tan. It should also break old patterns, strengthening relationships and personalGrowth. The most valuable part of vacation is not what from the outside, but what's inside. "
Very well said. For me it's like reading a great book. They take the time to begin the reading process. After a while, your in the story either in the form of the main character or a third party observing the events in this story. Your imagination is now at work.
While your body is relaxed, your mind is now solved it's "grip" on your reality, and protractedin a world very different from what they just left. Does that describe what a vacation should be? It is certain. Is this the kind of holiday you want? Sure it is.
Let me offer a few suggestions for the spirit:
Do not take your cell phone. I know that people want to be in these days of "connected", but there are ways to connect, and do not buy with their mobile phones to ... to pay a separate phone for the holidays with a limited or before-minute package.Then you choose to give your new number, but a few important ones.
Plan ahead. Do this when planning your vacation and also the planning, what you should do before you leave. For example, if you are a business you have pre-plan with your supervisor so that he / she know what to do when a decision must be taken and under what circumstances should be taken advantage of? Too. Let friends and relatives know that you go away and ask them to call not only for emergencies.
Veryimportant ... Your vacation should begin when your in the car on the way to the airport, and it should not end until you come home ... in the house. Many times you are bound to be out of the room or cabin by a specific date. This is often one or two days before you have to be home. My wife and I, in times like these, is already provision for a room in a different position, just so we can enjoy the full benefits from the time away.
Remember: Memories are made while you are on vacation, butgood memories
be made while your on a nice holiday ... without worry.